Friday, 28 December 2012

Blogger, my old friend, how I've missed your simplicities. It's not just you I've been neglecting, since I have started high school, I have barely checked my email, and... (gasp) never updated you! So what's new, you ask? High school is crazy, but I am enjoying my new electives of Photo and Theater. I miss my friends from middle school dearly. :( I was a chorus member my school play, Great Expectations:
Yes, I am wearing a dress. It was horrible. The hem was toooooo long, and I had to hoist it up very high to even walk. Don't get me started on the make up. I suck at make up. Not that I care, but I am like a toddler when it comes to applying it. MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTION IS TO UPDATE YOU MORE OFTEN, I PROMISE!!!