Monday, 21 June 2010

Schools Out!

Schools out and it means:
1. My friend Lauren goes to highschool!
2. Time to play out side!
3. Vacation!

Thursday, 3 June 2010


Well most of the people who follow my blog live in Oregon so I was wondering if anyone had noticed it was MAY not February. With this weather were getting it's hard to tell. What's your opinion?
Post it.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Websites of note

My websites of note:
Do you have a website of note?
Comment and tell me about it!

Compostable Sun Chip Bag!/Go Green Tip of the Day

Look at my sun chip bag! It's in the compost!That's because its a compostable bag.
So today's go green tip of the day is to start a compost pile in your back yard. Then toss all your food scrapes and things in and WA LA! After a couple of week you've got good healthy dirt!


This is what I've been doing!! Messing around with fondant on cupcakes. This on is my favorite that I did.