Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Compostable Sun Chip Bag!/Go Green Tip of the Day

Look at my sun chip bag! It's in the compost!That's because its a compostable bag.
So today's go green tip of the day is to start a compost pile in your back yard. Then toss all your food scrapes and things in and WA LA! After a couple of week you've got good healthy dirt!


  1. That's way cool! you just reminded me, we need a composter (is that the correct word?) at our house! I am on it!!! is this what you all have?

  2. i luv that idea! So it just composts into dirt? Way green! Environmentally friendly! Has it composted yet? oh yeah got any other tips to go totally green???? luv the ones on here by the way...!

  3. Yes I believe it has composted!

  4. Ms Ericka--
    Composter is the correct word!
    -- Emma
